Saturday, June 30, 2012
Dragons on Facebook
Once in a while I'll come across some dragons on Facebook. I have recently discovered several more. There's a sand dragon with a city on its back, dragon handrails for a staircase, and a dragon kite. Enjoy!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Ray Harryhausen Turns 92!
Special Effects Master Ray Harryhausen turns 92 today and we gamers all wish him the very, very best! Huzzah!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Star Wars Parody of Gotye Song
Well, this Star Wars Parody of the Gotye song, Somebody that I Used to Know is about as well done as anything I have seen in some time. It's on the teddiefilms YouTube channel and I'm going to subscribe and keep an eye on this outfit for future work. Enjoy!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
St. Augustine Pirate Ship Grill
On Facebook, on the St. Augustine Pirate & Treasure Museum's Photos, you'll find one picture of a Pirate Ship Grill that you'll want for yourself. Check it out here!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Brilliant "Ready Player One" Contest
Ernest Cline, the author of Ready Player One, has decided to have a contest. See more in his YouTube video. Enjoy!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Photoshop Painting
There's a cool series of videos on the calistolynn YouTube channel showing how to paint in Photoshop. Check the video list above the video next to the "subscribe" button for the other four parts. Enjoy!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Trailer for the Third D&D Film
As some might be aware, a third D&D film has been in the works. This one is titled "Dungeons & Dragons: The Book of Vile Darkness" (2012) and looks about up to the standards of the previous D&D movies. It was scheduled for release sometime this year but I'm seeing some reports that slate it for 2013, so keep your eyes peeled (cue comments on the best way to view this movie). Watch if you dare!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
GeekDad & TableTop Contest Winners!
Over on the Geek & Sundry YouTube channel, they have announced the winners of the GeekDad & TableTop video contest for Fathers Day greetings from the children of fathers who taught them the value of gaming. Enjoy!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Actor Richard Lynch has Passed
Richard Lynch who played Cromwell (left, below) in the seminal gamer film The Sword and the Sorcerer (1982) passed away Tuesday, June 19, 2012. Quite a busy actor who will be missed.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The Spray of Death
I ran across a rather humorous blog posting on the Thrash Geek tumblr site of an image of a Tomb of Horrors Death Spray. Check it out here!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Digital Painting Demo from William O'Connor
Here's a neat YouTube video from William O'Connor's wocstudios1 YouTube channel called "Flight of the Paladin." Like, Subscribe, and Enjoy!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Gamer Girl / Country Boy
There is a new music video over on Geek & Sundry's YouTube channel from Felicia Day and Jason Charles Miller called "Gamer Girl / Country Boy" and it's good for a chuckle. Enjoy!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Neal Stephenson's Video Game Project
Author Neal Stephenson has started up a Kickstarter project for a video game called Clang that he hopes will revolutionize how swordfighting is handled in that medium. Read more here!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
TableTop does Castle Panic
There's a new video on the YouTube channel of Geek & Sundry for the TableTop series by Will Wheton. His guests this time around include Yuri Lowenthal, Tara Platt and Andre Meadows and they play Castle Panic from Fireside Games, a cooperative game which looks very fun. Enjoy!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Super Dungeon Justice Arena - Coffee vs. Beer
There's a new episode of the Dungeon Bastard called "Super Dungeon Justice Arena - Coffee vs. Beer." Enjoy!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
IGDA Election Results
The International Game Developers Association recently held elections of offiders and the results are in. Congrats from CMG to al of the winners. Read more on Gamasutra here!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Matt Forbeck on HuffPost Books
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
How Many People in Space?
Ever wonder how many people are in space? Well, there's a website devoted to keeping track of just that and it's appropriately named
Monday, June 11, 2012
Free RPG Day - June 16th, 2012
Don't forget to stop by a participating brick and mortar Friendly Local Game Store (FLGS) next weekend on Saturday, June 16th, 2012, for Free RPG Day! Read more here.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Ptolus eBay Auction
EN Worlder DM4Hire has a very complete Ptolus auction just up that includes the super huge vinyl map, the gigantic book, three players guides, and a couple of adventures. Check it out here!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
The Hobbit Production Video #7
Over on YouTube, you'll find the latest installment from Peter Jackson production video blogs titled The Hobbit Production Video #7 [HD] Behind the Scenes with Peter Jackson. Enjoy!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Books-A-Million in Murrells Inlet, SC
On a recent trip to South Carolina, after checking out the early show of Snow White and the Huntsman (which I detail more closely on the Grymvald corner of the CMG Blog Triad), I popped into the Books-A-Million in Murrells Inlet to see how extensive the games' section might be. I was actually surprised that they had a full four shelves of many RPG books among other stuff. I had asked if there were any roleplaying game books and the clerk asked if I meant Dungeons & Dragons, to which I said, "Yes, please." He guided me to the fantasy fiction section where they had a ton of the usual D&D novels. So I clarified that I meant roleplaying game rules books, and he replied that he didn't think they had any but said if they did they'd be in the computer game section. He took me there and here's some pics I snapped. Obviously, he had much more than he realized.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Ray Bradbury has Passed
Sadly for me as a fan, I heard yesterday of the passing of Ray Bradbury at the age of 91. I also read a number of things online that have cast Bradbury as a less-than-perfect person. I grew up for some time in Waukegan, IL, which had two "favorite sons" at that time, one being Bradbury and the other being Jack Benny (Our teams at Jack Benny Junior High School were known as The Fighting 39ers!). Aside from Bradbury's ties to Waukegan through Dandelion Wine and his connection as a lifelong friend of Ray Harryhausen, I also loved his classic science fiction. I've never really known that side of him that some are saying was his unfortunate legacy in their minds as I never met him personally nor saw many interviews except in short snippets where he was discussing the work of others like Harryhausen. Without knowing the details, and not saying I doubt them nor need to hear them, I am disappointed that Bradbury came across to anyone in that unsavory light. I think, since Ray Bradbury has passed, I will follow my friend Michael Broadstock's advice in this case, separating the work from the man, and retain the fond memories I have of Bradbury's art and leave the sadder truths to those who cannot forget them.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Electra Woman and Dyna Girl
Just a quick blast from the past in the form of Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, a pair of crime fighters from Seventies television. The show was a Sid and Marty Kroft creations meant to capitalize on the popularity of the Batman television success. In this installment (just a portion of the full episode), the caped heroines go up againt the Empress of Evil. Enjoy!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Imperial Walker recently showed an image of what many of us older Star Wars fans might be needing in the not too distant future if we want to travel far, far away. Check out their site and the original posting of the image here!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Early D&D Codified in Flowchart Format
Over on they answer the question of "How early exposure to Dungeons & Dragons manifests later in life, in a flowchart by Sam Potts." Read more here!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Real Life Transformer, Almost
Well, someone has built a working model of a Transformer and it's pretty cool, even if it won't be battling in our city streets and causing billions of dollars in damage any time soon. Read more here!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Encased in Carbonite
You'll be well-protected if you pick up one of these neat little souvenirs at Walt Disney World. First they'll scan your face, then they'll transfer it to a replica of the frozen carbonite trap that Han Solo thankfully survived in the Star Wars films. It's only eight inches tall but any bigger and you'd have to reinforce the bookshelves. Read more here!