Still running this weekend through the beginning of the month, February 27th thru March 1st, check out the information
here on the Fire & Ice game convention. It's also their 15th anniversary.
Some events locally include . . .
First up, Kris Herzog is organizing a gameday for Sunday, March 1st at 11 am to be held at Gregs Catering 3120 Roberts St, Franksville, Wisconsin 53126. It's a short trip from the Milwaukee, Lake Geneva, and Kenosha areas, so stop on by for free gaming a great, reasonably-priced eats. Join the event on its Facebook page

Lake Geneva Games is hosting a gameday this second Saturday, March 14th. You can donate five dollars to the kitty if you want to partake of the pizza and snacks, soda machine on premises, or bring your own feast from the many restaurants right down the street. check out more information on the Lake Geneva Games Facebook page
here and the events page
The third Saturday and Sunday of March, and indeed almost every month, includes the Burlington Gameday on Saturday, March 21st which sets up events through the
Burlington UCC Game Day group on Facebook here and A Gathering of Gamers on Sunday, March 15th, set up by the
South Lakes Area Gamers here. The former is in Burlington, WI at the Plymouth UCC space and is free taking place from approximately 11 am to 5 pm. The latter takes place at the Pizza Ranch in Elkhorn, WI, and requires a $12 fee for the all you can eat pizza and fried chicken buffet (salad bar, soft-serve ice cream machine, etc.) plus unlimited soft drinks and coffee from 11 am to 8 pm.
Be sure to make your plans for March 19th, the "Thor'd Thors'day" of March, since it is the monthly
Game Like a Viking Day! It's a chance, no matter where you are, to break out your Viking-themed tabletop games and have at it. See more of this ongoing monthly day of fun on the Facebook page
The third Saturday, March 21st at Games Plus in Mount Prospect, IL, the first Chicago EN World Gameday of 2015. The event is organized on
here and features two game slots, the morning slot from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm, followed by a one hour break, then an afternoon slot from 3:30 pom to 8:30 pm (and sometimes later). There are three of these events each year and this is the fortieth one of its kind, so join in for all the RPGing (and some times other games) they have to offer!
And lest we forget, Gary Con VII takes place March 26th to 29th in Lake Geneva, WI, and celebrates gaming old and new. Four days with some of the finest gamer/designers in the business from all eras. See more on their website
And farther away from the Lake Geneva, WI, area . . .
Don't forget that Cold Wars takes place March 5th thru 8th. This year's theme is Civil War 1865 commemorating "150 Years" since that conflict began. This is easily one of the top events held by the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society in the US, so if you want to get some wargaming in, head to the Lancaster Host Resort & Conference Center in Lancaster, PA Get more information
The Salt Con 2015 Board Game Convention happens the 12th, 13th, and 14th at the Davis Conference Center in Layton, UT, with more info
here. Conflagration 15 takes place March 13th-15th at the Sheraton Milwaukee Brookfield Hotel (375 South Moorland Road Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005) and more info is available
here. Then there's TwisterCon XII - 2015, March 13th thru 15th, which takes place at the The Sheraton Midwest City Hotel at the Reed Conference Center 5750 Will Rogers Road Midwest City, OK 73110, and more information can be had
here. March 14th is the MEGA Spring Meltdown for Green Mountain Gamers at the Morey Room, Lake Morey Resort, Fairlee, VT, so find out more
here. Don't forget that Gamestorm is happening March 19th to 22nd at The Vancouver Hilton 301 W. 6th St, Vancouver WA and you can see more
You can also find a whole list of gaming events all around the country on
here and they include:
2/27-3/1: Con Nooga 2015 in Chattanooga, TN
2/27-3/1: GottaCon 2015 in Victoria, BC
2/27-3/1: Pensacon 2015 Pensacola, FL
3/6-8: 3XP in
Great Staughton, CAM, GB
3/6-8: AtomiCon 3 - Atomic Empire in Durham, NC
3/6-8: Ei Con in Leiden, ZH, NL
3/6-8: Plattecon in Platteville, WI
3/13-15: Cleveland Concoction 2015 in Cleveland, OH
3/13-15: Condor 2015 in San Diego, CA
3/13-15: Conquest Sacramento X 2015 in Sacramento, CA
3/13-15: Coscon XXVII 27 in Butler, PA
3/13-15: Genericon (Rensselaer Polytechnic) in Troy, NY
3/13-15: Madicon 2015 in Harrisonburg, VA
3/13-15: Planet Comicon Gaming in Kansas City, MO
3/14: Golaricon
Brownsburg, IN
3/14-15: AthCon in Athens, GA
3/14-15: Farmageddon in Farmer City, IL
3/20-22: CoastCon 38 in Biloxi, MS
3/20-22: Concentric 15 in Itasca, IL
3/20-22: MidSouthCon 33 in Memphis, TN
3/20-22: Gem State Gaming Con in Boise, ID
3/21: MeepleCon in Las Vegas, NV
3/21: Spring Game Day in Winnipeg, MB
3/21-22: CarbonCON 2015 in Carbondale, IL
3/27-29: EvilleCon 2015 in Evansville, IN
3/27-29: PåskeCon in Sjælland, 015, DK
3/27-29: Påskefinder in Roskilde, 025, DK
Pathfinding in Stillwater, OK
3/28: WittCon XII in Springfield, OH
3/28-29: Go Play in Annerley, Brisbane, QLD, AU
Some of this information is from the excellent lists on,,
HMGS (the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society), and as well as many, many gamers on Facebook and Google Plus, to whom I am grateful for the help in this compilation. Thanks so much and have a great game!
News of Conventions and Gamedays as well as pictures
from those I have attended and games I have played.
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