
Friday, June 5, 2015

The Friday Grab Bag - More CMG eBay Offerings

Dozens of new listings since last Friday, so give the Creative Mountain eBay Store here another glance.  Lots of miniatures, RPG stuff, gently-used boardgames, wargaming goods, and more.  First up, there is a pile of rare and unusual Paizo products from the early and burgeoning Pathfinder days.  Check out the Bonus Bestiary or the We Be Goblins Adventure.  And of course, what collection is complete with the trio that got Golarion started, The Kobold King series starting with the ultra-rare Hollow's Last Hope?

Also, have a look at minis like Warmachine's Rutger Shaw or the Dragon Strike horde of Orcs, Bugbears, and Trolls.  If you're feeling particular nasty toward your players, there's always the massive Black Dragon.

Finally, don't forget to look into the corners where you'll find the tome from Chaosium highlighting Call of Cthulhu fave 1920s Masks of Nyarlathotep.  Or the classic Sanctuary board game based on the Thieves World setting.  Or maybe you just need some Reaper Master Series Paint?

There's lots for a gamer to love at the CMG eBay store here!

The Friday Grab Bag on 
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