
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday Crowdfunding Roundup - Tome of Beasts, Scythe, & Boogie Dice

Three from Kickstarter this week with the first being "Tome of Beasts: 300+ New Monsters for 5th Edition" by Kobold Press here.

Also, have a look at "Scythe" by Jamey Stegmaier here.

Finally, check out "Boogie Dice - Self rolling, sound activated gaming dice!" by Nimrod Back here.

Keeping an eye on those Kickstarter & IndieGoGo
projects plus other crowdfunding efforts.
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Friday, October 30, 2015

The Friday Grab Bag - D&Daredevil, Managing, & 40 Years Plus

Over on, they tell us "Deborah Ann Woll Adds Extra D&D To Daredevil!"  Read more here.

Also, on, they explain "Everything I need to know about management I learned from playing Dungeons and Dragons" here.

Finally, on, listen tot he story of how "After 40 Years, Dungeons & Dragons Still Brings Players To The Table" here.

Essentially, a clearinghouse for topics not covered
elsewhere or needing a particular focus.
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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Throwback Thursday - D&D, Will McLean, & the Humble Weekly Bundle

Over on, check out "8 Glorious TV Homages to the Geekery of Dungeons & Dragons" here.

Also, on, chuckle back in time with "Art of the Genre: An Inteview with Will McLean."  See more here.

Finally, on, have a look at the "Humble Weekly Bundle: Games Workshop" here.  Just a few hours left, so don't drag your feet!

A look back at early tabletop hobby gaming
 or gaming-adjacent topics of the past.
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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Events & Play Wednesday - Cons & Gamedays for November

Locally, the first thing happening in November is First Sunday which also falls on November 1st.  It's a gameday at the Lake Geneva Games store.  They are located at 918 S Wells St, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 and their phone number is (262) 885-1515.  The event runs from Noon until 9 pm and is mostly about pickup boardgames though planning particular games is certainly acceptable.  There aren't any Magic Tourneys that day so there should be plenty of room.  Sign up for this event and discuss it further on Facebook here.

The third Sunday this month feature A Gathering of Gamers on Sunday, November 15th, set up by the South Lakes Area Gamers here.  The event takes place at the Pizza Ranch in Elkhorn, WI, and requires a $12 fee for the all you can eat pizza and fried chicken buffet (salad bar, soft-serve ice cream machine, etc.) plus unlimited soft drinks and coffee from 11 am to 8 pm.  There is also one Burlington Gamedays scheduled for next month, the third Saturday, November 21st.  They are set up through the Burlington UCC Game Day group on Facebook here.  It will be held in Burlington, WI at the Plymouth UCC space, taking place from approximately 11 am to 5 pm.

But the big news for November round these parts and most anywhere in the US if you travel for major conventions is GameHole Con 2015.  It's held on Nov. 6th - 8th, 2015 at the Alliant Energy Center Exhibition Hall in Madison, Wisconsin.  Get all of the details here.

Farther from my locale . . .

You can also find a whole list of gaming events all around the country and beyond on here.

Some of the events include (highlight and right click/search for more information on any of the below):

Oct 30 - Nov 1 HonorCon 2015 Raleigh, NC
Oct 30 - Nov 1 SNAFUCON 2015 Sparks, NV
Nov 6-7 Card Masters Marion, IL
Nov 6-8 Carnage on the Mountain Killington, VT
Nov 6-8 GASPcon 16 Pittsburgh Monroeville Convention Center South Hall, PA
Nov 6-8 Nekocon 2015 Hampton, VA
Nov 7 Haunted Game Cafe Fort Collins, CO
Nov 7-8 Extra Life 2015 at COESPACE Bangor, ME
Nov 7-8 Extra Life Orange County Santa Ana, CA
Nov 7-8 Post-Apocalypticon 2015 Cleveland, TN
Nov 7-8 Weekend on the Moonsea Riverside, CA
Nov 13-15 AetherCon IV Online
Nov 13-15 Heroes for Heroes Maryville, TN
Nov 13-15 MEPACON Fall 2015 Scranton, PA
Nov 13-15 Sovereign Con 2015 Temecula, CA, CA
Nov 13-15 Winternomicon Quincy, IL
Nov 14-15 BezerkaCon 2015 Balmain, NSW, AU
Nov 14-15 GateCon 2015 Columbia, MO
Nov 14-15 PaizoCon FR Paris - Villejuif, 75, FR
Nov 20-22 ConQuest Avalon 2015 Sacramento, CA
Nov 20-22 ConQuest Avalon PFS 2015 Sacramento, CA
Nov 20-22 The Summoning 2015 Pompano Beach, FL
Nov 21-22 MegaCon 2015 Orlando, FL
Nov 27-29 3XP Great Staughton, CAM, GB

Nov 29 - Dec 6 Winterfest Pullman, WA

Some of this information (and more can be had) is from the excellent lists on (the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society), and  as well as many, many gamers on Facebook and Google Plus, to whom I am grateful for the help in this compilation.  Thanks so much and have a great game!

News of Conventions and Gamedays as well as pictures
from those I have attended and games I have played.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tech Tuesday - Superhighway, Parallel Universe, & Sleepbox

Over on, "Russia Proposes Massive Superhighway That Will Make It Possible to Drive From U.S. to Europe" here.

Also, on, "Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with Parallel Universe."  Find out more here.

Finally, on, check out a rather interesting overnight accommodation called the Sleepbox here.

News focused on Technology
as it might interest gamers.
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Monday, October 26, 2015

Media News Monday - Potter Play, Willow, & Black Sails

Over on, they let us know "J.K. Rowling's new play will be the 'eighth Harry Potter story'" here.

Also, on, they tell us "Ron Howard’s Willow is still raucous and ridiculous 27 years later" here.

Finally, on the Starz YouTube channel, check out the trailer for season Three of Black Sails.  Enjoy!

News for Movies, Television, and more
of gamer-relevant Media.
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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday Funnies - Last Words, Choice, & Burton Furniture

Over on, they share "Famous Last Words in Roleplaying Games" here.

Also, on, Tiny Wooden Pieces gives us "The problem of choice" here.

Finally, on, check out the "Tim Burton Inspired Furniture" here.

Humor, often gaming-related,
to start the week with a chuckle.
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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Saturday Crowdfunding Roundup - Folklore, The Folio, & Dragonlock

Three from Kickstarter this week with the first being "Folklore: The Affliction" by Greenbrier Games here.

Also, have a look at "The Folio #5 & #6, in 1E & 5E Format" by Scott Taylor here.

Finally, check out "DRAGONLOCK™ 28mm Scale Dungeon Gaming Terrain" by Tom Tullis here.

Keeping an eye on those Kickstarter & IndieGoGo
projects plus other crowdfunding efforts.
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Friday, October 23, 2015

The Friday Grab Bag - Loot Lair, Free Resources, & Top 100 Boardgames

Over on, have a look at the cool accessories The Loot Lair has for sale here.

Also, on, check out the "Free Game Resources" available from the World Builder Blog here.

Finally, on, they want you to chime in on your "Top 100 Board Games" here.

Essentially, a clearinghouse for topics not covered
elsewhere or needing a particular focus.
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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Throwback Thursday - D&D Power Cycle and Pinball Games

Over on 2 Warps to Neptune, there is a two part article on the "Dungeons & Dragons Power Cycle" produced by Coleco in 1984.  Find Part One here and Part Two here.

Also, on the same blog, there is an article about the handheld D&D pinball games made by Larami in 1983.  Check them out here.

Finally, on the blog of the World's Most Dangerous Dungeon Master, he's got an article on the full-sized arcade D&D Pinball Machine here.

A look back at early tabletop hobby gaming
 or gaming-adjacent topics of the past.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Events & Play Wednesday - Lake Geneva Gaming, September to October

Lots of gaming in and around Lake Geneva!  Here are some pictures taken at the various events.  Check out more pictures on my Facebook album here and a Google Photos album here.

News of Conventions and Gamedays as well as pictures
from those I have attended and games I have played.
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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tech Tuesday - Massless Particles, Dark Matter, & the Lightest Metals

Three from Science Alert this week with the first being "Scientists have finally discovered massless particles, and they could revolutionise electronics" here.

Also, "New model suggests dark matter acts uncannily like particles found in the 1930s" here.

Finally, "This is the world's lightest metal."  Watch and learn here.

News focused on Technology
as it might interest gamers.
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Monday, October 19, 2015

Media News Monday - Farscape, Spiderman, & Sci-Fi Books

Catching up with a few older stories this week with the first being over on where "Rockne O'Bannon Officially Confirms FARSCAPE Movie" here.

Also, on, they told us earlier this year "Tom Holland is the New Spider-Man and Will be Directed by Jon Watts!"  Learn more here.

Finally, on, check out "The 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books You Must Read Before You Die, According to Amazon" here.

News for Movies, Television, and more
of gamer-relevant Media.
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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sunday Funnies - Horse Cycle, Marge's Kitchen, & Potion Seller

Over on, "Trotify Makes Your Bike Sound Like a Galloping Horse" here.

Also, on, a "Couple Re-Creates Marge's Kitchen From The Simpsons" here.

Finally, on the Justin Kuritzkes YouTube channel, watch "A knight and a man who sells potions."  Enjoy!

Humor, often gaming-related,
to start the week with a chuckle.
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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Saturday Crowdfunding Roundup - Landsknecht, Oldhammer, & a Stonemaier Open Letter

A couple of miniatures Kickstarters and an Open Letter this week with the first being "10mm German Landsknecht Armbrustschützen (Crossbowmen)" by Warmonger Miniatures here.

Also, check out "Diehard Miniatures: Oldhammer Fantasy Miniatures" by Tim Prow here.

Finally, on the website, Jamey Stegmaier shared "An Open Letter to Kickstarter Backers from a Tiny Publishing Company" here.

Keeping an eye on those Kickstarter & IndieGoGo
projects plus other crowdfunding efforts.
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Friday, October 16, 2015

The Friday Grab Bag - Tabletop Boom, Braille Dice, & Spellbook Boxes

Over on, learn how "Table-top games are booming in the video-game age" here.

Also, on, check out the "20-Sided Dice So Visually Impaired Can Play ‘Dungeons and Dragons’" here.

Finally, on, "These Spellbooks Are Secret Gaming Boxes."  Have a look here.

Essentially, a clearinghouse for topics not covered
elsewhere or needing a particular focus.
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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Throwback Thursday - Dragon #69 Adverts

Looking back to January 1983 and issue #69 of TSR's Dragon Magazine, here's a glimpse at what advertisers thought would stir the imaginations of gamers on the inside front cover, inside back cover, and back cover respectively.  The first was from TSR themselves for Star Frontiers.  The second was black and white from FASA for their great Star Trek game.  The last of the three leveraged the time honored Tolkien property from Iron Crown Enterprises.  Enjoy!

A look back at early tabletop hobby gaming
 or gaming-adjacent topics of the past.
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