
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Events & Play Wednesday - Gary Con VIII Updates

They had a bit of trouble with initial registration for Gary Con VIII last Saturday but have cleared up most of the problems and continue to work apace,  They made an announcement with all of the pertinent details here.

One further update from Caroline -
Registration is currently closed (and has been since Saturday night) while staff continues to work through error forms and replenish for events. If you attempt to check out after filling your cart, you will see a "404 Error" message.
We will give advance warning via email, social media, and the webpage of when registration will reopen once we have determined that all errors have been resolved.
Thank you for your patience,

Also, they've updated the vendor information here.

Finally, they've added bio info on some of the staff here.

News of Conventions and Gamedays as well as pictures
from those I have attended and games I have played.
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